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Julie's Story
Julie's Story
"Julie's Story" Modern Day Leprosy
Articles Relating to "Julie's Story"
"Julie's Story" Article#1: True Salvation
"Julie's Story"Article#2: Is Bible Version Important?
"Julie's Story" Article#3: Drug adn Alcohol Abuse
"Julie's Story"Article#4: Sexual Immorality, Homosexuality and the Bible
"Julie's Story" Article#5: A Smoking Story Not Told
"Julie's Story" — Suggested Reading
"Julie's Story" — Links
"Julie's Story" Contact Author
"Julie's Story — a Life Now Freee Indeed" Blog
If you are a Pastor or Church Leader in the UK/Ireland and would like Julie to testify in your church, please return a form to us and we can let you know when she may be in or near your area. There is no charge and no expense but if it is possible she will be there. "
Julie's Story — a life now free indeed
!" is a fairly short, simple, easy read and is available from Amazon (published by Ambassador International) and all good Christian bookstores.
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